3 Lessons in Apologizing

One of my recent discoveries is the reality that each of us has a preferred apology language. Mine takes a bit more effort than most people require, but rarely do…

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Take Care of the Girls

One of my favorite, recent discoveries is castor oil. I have never used it for anything. In fact, I didn’t even have it in my house! But, when I read…

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Clean Our Your Liver

The liver is an often forgotten organ, and yet it does so much for our wellbeing. Your liver filters every ounce of blood in your body. As it does, it’s…

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Ingesting Credit Cards? Yes! You are.

Did you know that the average human ingests one credit cards’ worth of plastic each month? Yep. Whether through your bottled water, clothing, or the storage containers you warm your…

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3 Tools to Enhance Memory

Did you know that there’s a distinct correlation between your physical flexibility and your neurological flexibility? As we age, we tend to challenge ourselves mentally less frequently than in our…

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