Leading High Performance Cultures
The Leading High Performance Cultures Project brings years of wellness and adversity research and leadership coaching together to bring about lasting organizational culture change.
Our approach involves everyone in the organization and gives everyone the tools and initiative to participate in the culture change process.
Every organization's journey to Resilience is unique. We work with every organization to find what works best for them. Three key steps help us achieve this.
Step 1: Current State Analysis
The first step is to understand where the organization is today. We look to understand and begin to map out the gaps that need to be addressed.
In this step we also introduce our wellness toolkit. Navigating Adversity, which gives individuals the knowledge and tools build their own resiliency and support others in doing so.
Step 2: Why Discovery
This step involves 1-on-1 sessions between our trainers and organizational leaders aimed towards articulating the organization's "why."
The organization's "why" anchors the entire resilience journey. "Why" is the foundation for bringing the organization together and incorporating each individual's beliefs and daily actions into one cohesive whole.
Step 3: Summit
This step brings together leaders from different orgzanizations to share their journey, the progress they've observed in their organizations, and allows them to make connections, learn from eachother, and grow together.
We provide data to each leader, give our recommendations for next steps, and curate the entire summit experience
Next Steps
This yearlong effort is just the beginning of building lasting resilience. As your trusted advisers we provide additional services to continue reinforcing your learnings. These include:
- Consulting on creating an app tailored to your organization's needs and resources
- Providing leadership coaching
- Bolstering resiliency by including loved ones of your organization