Take Care of the Girls
One of my favorite, recent discoveries is castor oil. I have never used it for anything. In fact, I didn’t even have it in my house! But, when I read that it has the ability to prevent and break up breast lumps, I just had to test it out. Here are three reasons for you to rush out an grab some organic, cold pressed castor oil right away.

- Hair. Using castor oil on your hair not only strengthens it, it actually encourages growth. I even rub castor oil on my eyelashes every night and have noticed that, not only are they longer, they’re thicker.
- Sleep. Rubbing castor oil on your midsection before bed activates your digestive system and puts its healing mechanisms into overdrive. While you’re asleep, the castor oil detoxes your liver, gallbladder, and kidneys. When I wake up after putting castor oil on my midsection, I am more refreshed and energized…this is a huge benefit because I am NOT a morning person. Castor oil took me from zombie to a fairly normal person in the morning!
- Skin. The power of castor oil on the surface of and beneath the skin is incredible! Not only is castor oil a main ingredient in my homemade face lotion, I have used it to break up breast cysts. I felt a small lump about six months ago, and immediately began putting a castor oil pack on it while sleeping. It didn’t take long for it to start shrinking. Now it’s nearly gone!
As an added bonus, castor oil rubbed on your eyelids removes eye floaties. It’s also an amazing oil to use for massages. With so many benefits to this natural resource, why do you suppose we haven’t been raised using it every single day? Could it possibly be because there’s no profit in self-healing?